SASB content index

Product Safety Percentage of vehicle models rated by NCAP programs with an overall 5-star safety rating, by region Percentage (%) TR-AU-250a.1 P071 Enhancements to Nissan’s safety technology and external ratings received
P160 Major external safety ratings (Based on 2023 assessments)
Number of safety-related defect complaints, percentage investigated Number, Percentage (%) TR-AU-250a.2 -
Number of vehicles recalled Number TR-AU-250a.3 P078 Recalls in FY2023
Labor Practices Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements Percentage (%) TR-AU-310a.1 -
(1) Number of work stoppages and
(2) total days idle
Number, Days idle TR-AU-310a.2 -
Fuel Economy & Use-phase Emissions Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements Mpg, L/km, gCO2/km, km/L TR-AU-410a.1 P144 Corporate average fuel economy in Japan/the United States/Europe/China
Number of (1) zero emission vehicles (ZEV), (2) hybrid vehicles, (3) plug-in hybrid vehicles sold Number TR-AU-410a.2 P145 Revenue, global sales volume and production volume data
P145 Environmental data:Powertrain type ratios (Shipment-based)
P146 Sales volume of electrified vehicles (EV, e-POWER, PHEV)
Discussion of strategy for managing fleet fuel economy and emissions risks and opportunities n/a TR-AU-410a.3 P017 Strategic approach to environmental issue
P024 Key issues and challenges of Nissan Green Program (NGP) medium-term environmental action
Materials Sourcing Description of the management of risks associated with the use of critical materials n/a TR-AU-440a.1 P087 Responsible minerals sourcing
Materials Efficiency & Recycling Total amount of waste from manufacturing, percentage recycled Metric tons (t), Percentage (%) TR-AU-440b.1 P056 Waste
P153 Waste
P158 Material balance
Weight of end-of-life material recovered, percentage recycled Metric tons (t), Percentage (%) TR-AU-440b.2 P053 Initiatives to expand use of recycled materials (Resins)
P054 End-of-life vehicle recycling
P152 Resource dependency: Achievements in reuse
Click here for more information on the status of recycling, etc. in fiscal 2023 based on the End-of-life Vehicle Recycling Law (Japanese only)
Average recyclability of vehicles sold Metric tons (t), Percentage (%) TR-AU-440b.3 P054 End-of-life vehicle recycling
Table 2. Activity Metrics
Number of vehicles manufactured Number TR-AU-000.A P142 Corporate overview: Global sales volume and production volume
P145 Environmental data: Revenue, global sales volume and production volume data
Number of vehicles manufactured Number TR-AU-000.B P142 Corporate overview: Global sales volume and production volume
P145 Environmental data: Revenue, global sales volume and production volume data