Nissan’s Environmental Initiatives
Environmental Principles
Nissan's Environmental Philosophy: A Symbiosis of People, Vehicles, and Nature
In addition to deepening our understanding of the environment, we conduct all of our operations, including production and sales, with consideration for people, society, nature and the earth, as a means of contributing to the building of a better society.
Ultimate Goal
We will manage the environmental impact caused by our operations and products to a level that can be absorbed by nature and pass on rich natural capital to future generations.
What We Want to Be: A Sincere Eco-Innovator
Sincere: Proactively address environmental challenges and reduce our impact on the environment.
Eco-Innovator: Develop a sustainable mobility society through innovative technology in products and services.

To realize the promise of its environmental philosophy “a Symbiosis of People, Vehicles and Nature,” Nissan has promoted a series of midterm environmental action plans under the name “Nissan Green Program (NGP).” Under NGP2016, our previous plan, the company continued taking steps toward its ultimate goal of reducing environmental dependence and impact to levels that nature can absorb. The targets set for four key initiatives under the program, “Zero-emission vehicle penetration”, “Fuel-efficient vehicle expansion”, “Corporate carbon footprint minimization”, and “Natural resource use minimization” were fully achieved.
Environmental Initiative and Framework
With the world population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, communities and the business sector will play growing roles in solving social issues and working to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations. The automobile industry, too, faces an increasingly important responsibility to provide value to society by delivering safe, secure and sustainable mobility for all.

Nissan supports the Sustainable Development Goals.
Nissan's Strategic Approach to Environmental Issues
To solidly contribute to global environmental issues, Nissan engages in direct discussions with environmental experts, investors, NGOs, NPOs and other organizations throughout the world and identifies, we analyze opportunities and risks facing the Company and decide on material issues*1 recognized as important by both stakeholders and Nissan, contributing to the formulation of Nissan’s medium- and longterm environmental strategies.
Nissan is conducting analyses using the Corporate Ecosystem Services Review method, which considers the dependence and impact of its activities on ecosystems service. This evaluation covers the entire value chain, from material resource extraction to vehicle production and vehicle operation, with the aim of identifying material issues related to the environment. Nissan has identified climate change, resource dependency, and water/air quality as important areas to address in its medium to long-term environmental strategy. Specific action plans have been set until 2030 to tackle these issues.
- Click here for more information on the Nissan's materiality including environmental issues.
A Holistic Approach to Material Environmental Issues

NGP2030: A Further Evolution
The NGP2030 reinforces Ambition 2030, the company's long-term vision, and sets out the steps required to achieve progress in lofty sustainability ambitions. As a mobility solutions provider, Nissan understands the significant responsibility it has for the environment – and the scale of the positive contribution we can make.
Activities in NGP2030
Environmental governance
Corporations today are expected to disclose on environmental initiatives and related decision-making in a reliable and transparent manner.
Nissan issues its Sustainability Report each year including detailed information from scorecards, which serve as tools for monitoring its progress on environmental initiatives and a materiality assessment for identifying priority issues. The company also communicates with a broad range of stakeholders through other means, including responses to inquiries from environmental rating agencies.
To carry out comprehensive environmental management as a global company while responding to a diversifying range of environmental challenges, Nissan has established an organizational approach linking its various functions and regions. The Global Environmental Management Committee (G-EMC), co-chaired by a board member, determines overall policies and the content of reports put before the Board of Directors. Its meetings are attended by corporate officers chosen based on the issues to be discussed. Executives also clarify the risks and opportunities before the company and assign specific actions to each division, as well as managing and operating environmental programs efficiently based on the PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle.
Nissan continues to promote solid governance through its Global and Regional Environmental Management Committees (G-EMC and Regional EMCs). Executives meet regularly to discuss the progress of action plans under NGP2030, as well as emerging material risks, and corporate opportunities that should be implemented in the future plans.
Environmental management organization