Empowering people to bring their best

Empowering people to bring their best

Helping employees reach their full potential

To keep our employees engaged and inspired, we strive to create an environment that unlocks the true potential of people of all backgrounds through learning and development. From senior management to frontline employees, we are providing the environments and tools to foster a culture where all are encouraged to explore and innovate.

Hear more from our people

We always strive to create an environment where employees feel valued, respected and included.

Gender diversity improves how we work

When women hold positions of influence they can provide new perspectives, potentially leading to changes in policies that are more equitable. This can have an effect on material topics such as pay equity and improving corporate culture by welcoming diverse ideas.

Initiatives for developing women’s careers

We strongly believe in empowering women to lead, and provide tools to aid growth and advancement at all levels of our organization.
Tailored career support

Women employees can access professional development training, mentorship programs and conduct career interviews with career advisors. We hold events to further develop professional skills and provide networking resources to identify opportunities for career advancement.

Executive Dialogues

Through open and in-depth dialogue with corporate leaders and executive management, we aim to further enhance women employees’ leadership skills.

The women’s leadership program
This initiative supports development of women leaders and accelerate gender diversity among Nissan’s management.

Increasing the representation of women

Nissan has introduced programs around the world to accelerate the hiring and development of women, including offering mentorship and investment in employee education. Our efforts are paying off: the ratio of women managers globally increased from 6.7% in 2008 to 15.9% in 2024, helping to ensure women play a larger role in the decision-making process.

Ratio of women managers globally

Signing the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles

In August 2023, Nissan signed the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), an agreement based on seven principles established by UN Women and the UN Global Compact. The Principles offer guidance to businesses on advancing gender equality and women’s advancement in the workplace, marketplace and broader community . Signed by the CEO, it is one of the highest levels of formal commitment to championing women and highlights Nissan’s dedication in this area.

Supporting LGBTQ+ representation

Nissan is a place for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. Testament to our inclusive culture, Nissan has been awarded the gold prize by NGO Work With Pride for the seventh consecutive year in Japan, recognizing our company as a LGBTQ+ friendly workplace. Work With Pride highlighted Nissan's active engagement in addressing diverse needs through internal and external activities, including e-learning, seminars and educational initiatives. Nissan will continue its global efforts so all employees can be celebrated.

Championing mobility for all

Bumper Paint Shop Sign Language Team
Nissan Technical Center Connect Race

The UN reports that around 15% of the global population – about 1 billion people - live with disabilities. They are the world’s largest minority.

At Nissan, we have a longstanding commitment to making society more inclusive and our workplaces more accessible. This includes community events, projects and partnerships that help us make a lasting impact. Check out some of Nissan’s accessibility initiatives around the globe:

Nissan Possibilities Project, UK

Nissan Possibilities Project, UK

Annual Nissan Cup (Oppama Championship), Japan

Annual Nissan Cup (Oppama Championship), Japan

Nissan Mobility Assist, US

Nissan Mobility Assist, US