We will develop technologies to safeguard the environment from all aspects for the long-term, not only up to 2010, but based on a future vision that will include continued reduction in CO2 emissions.
Based on our long-term roadmap, we will introduce technologies and products that are both practical and innovative from an environmental viewpoint.
Regardless of the technology employed, a car has to be driven to bring forth its true performance and capabilities. Nissan still considers the gasoline engine the primary power plant for cars in the short- to mid-term and we are developing technologies to enable gasoline-powered cars to achieve significant improvements in fuel consumption. We are also working on "clean diesels" as well as cars that will run on bio-ethanol fuels produced from plants and other renewable resources.Concurrently, we are boosting our efforts to develop cars that will run on electric-power such as hybrid cars, plug-in hybrid cars, fuel-cell vehicles and electric vehicles. Nissan will introduce these new technologies and products that can support the aim of CO2 reductions for the future based on its concept of "providing the right technology to the right market at the right time with the right value to the customer"-what we call the Four Rights.