Implementing an organic management system
Reduce CO2 emissions. Generate fewer emissions to preserve the atmosphere, water and soil. Recycle resources.
To address these three issues with certainty, we have established a system of initiatives on a global company-wide scale.
To achieve targets, we established a company-wide system of initiatives
In promoting Nissan Green Program 2010 and to fulfill its objectives, it must be applied to company-wide management on a global basis. Nissan has set up a "Nissan Global Environmental Management System " that organically links our various divisions, such as design, production, R&D, logistics, marketing, sales, etc. Based on a common company-wide philosophy, we have devised a system for addressing environmental problems.

Adding CO2 reduction to Nissan's management directives as a corporate target, promoting targets and supervision
Reduction of CO2 emissions is one of Nissan's highest priorities. To reduce emissions on a company-wide basis, we have added CO2 to our QCT (quality-cost-time) management guidelines, to become "QCT-C." Moving forward, we will treat cutting CO2 emissions with the same degree of importance as quality, cost and time in our corporate activities.
As one of the company's highest priority issues, targets for decreasing CO2 emissions will be set across all our corporate activities including development, production, offices, sales outlets, vendors and related activities.